China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 50

Assessing the Implementation of Local Emission Trading Schemes in China Note: The dependent variable is the price returns (lnReturn t ) of CEA in the ETS. *, ** and *** denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels. Standard errors are in parentheses. ly granger cause the changes in CEA price of Guangdong. In Hubei, however, we found no significant short-term effects or Granger causality between energy prices and CEA prices. The results also show that there was a slight decrease of Guangdong CEA price after June 2014 and a slight decrease of Hubei CEA price after June 2015. Guangdong ETS started to operate from the end of 2013, whereas Hubei ETS was established in April 2014. So, both ETSs had higher CEA prices at the initial operation stage, but the CEA prices decreased after the compliance period in the second calendar year. 3.4 Multivariate Regressions for City-Level ETSs We ran multivariate regressions for the three better operated city-level ETSs, Beijing ETS, Shanghai ETS and Shenzhen ETS, as shown in Table 9. The dependent variables are the CEA price returns (lnReturn t ) of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen respectively. It was found that the one week lagged Brent oil price return (D.lnBrent t ) had a short-term positive effect on Beijing CEA price at 5% significance level. It indicates that the increase of oil price led to the short-run increase of Beijing CEA, as enterprises would substitute coal for oil to some extent, resulting in an increase in 47