China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 36

Assessing the Implementation of Local Emission Trading Schemes in China Table 2. Review of Empirical Studies on Factors Affecting CO 2 Emission Allowance Price Literature ETS/ Dependent Variable Time Period Main Factors Examined Method Alberola, Chevallier, and Chèze (2008a,b) EU ETS/EUA spot price 2005.7– 2007.4 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, switch price of CO 2 between coal and natural gas, temperature, electricity price, the compliance break, the announcement of stricter allocation NW OLS, GARCH Boersen and Scholtens (2014) EU ETS/EUA futures price 2008.12– 2012.12 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, the switch possibility from coal to natural gas Threshold GARCH Chevallier (2011) EU ETS/EUA futures price 2005.1– 2010.7 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, aggregated industrial production index Markovswitching VAR Hammoudeh, Nguyen, and Sousa (2014a) EU ETS/EUA spot price 2006.8– 2013.11 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, electricity price Bayesian Structural VAR Tan and Wang (2017b) EU ETS/EUA futures price 2005.4– 2016.1 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, macroeconomic indicators Quantile regression Creti, Jouvet, and Mignon (2012) EU ETS/EUA futures price 2005.6– 2010.12 Crude oil price, stock index, switch price of CO 2 between coal and natural gas OLS Keppler and Mansanet- Bataller (2010) EU ETS/ EUA spot and futures price 2005.1– 2007.12 and 2008 Natural gas price, electricity price, coal price, temperature, stock index OLS Koch et al. (2014) EU ETS/EUA futures price 2008.1– 2013.10 Natural gas price, coal price, macroeconomic indicators, the number of issued CERs, electricity production from wind/solar, switch price of CO 2 between coal and natural gas NW-OLS Kim and Koo (2010) Chicago/ CCX a trading emission allowance volume 2005.1– 2008.11 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, temperature, economy crisis dummy ADL b Hammoudeh et al. (2015) US ETS/ Proxied by EUA price 2006.8– 2013.11 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, electricity price NADL c Hammoudeh, Nguyen, and Sousa (2014b) US ETS/ Proxied by EUA price 2006.7– 2013.11 Crude oil price, natural gas price, coal price, electricity price Quantile regressions a Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX); b Autoregressive distributed lag (ADL); c Nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model (NADL). 33