China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 2

CHINA POLICY JOURNAL Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 2018 • © 2018 Policy Studies Organization Theme Issue on Environmental Policy Instruments in China Guest editors: Hua Wang, Renmin University of China Yuan Xu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Water-Pollutant Discharge-Fee System in China ................................ 1 Dajun Shen and Ali Guna Assessing the Implementation of Local Emission Trading Schemes in China: Econometric Analysis of Market Data ................ 25 Lili Li Payment for Ecological Services and River Transboundary Pollution: Policy Inspirations from a Contingent Valuation (CV) Study on the Xijiang River Drainage Basin in South China ............. 55 Jie He Subjective and Objective Air Quality in Urban China: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Transparency ................... 85 Liang Ma and Wenxuan Yu Environmental Performance Rating and Disclosure: An Empirical Investigation in Jiangsu, China ................................. 111 Yanhong Jin, Hua Wang, and David Wheeler Chronic Non-compliance and Ineffective Enforcement in Guangzhou ................................................................................... 139 Lin Peng, Yuan Xu, Hua Zhong, Tai Wei Lim, and Fengshi Wu