China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 127

China Policy Journal Assessing prior randomness is complicated in this case by the distributions of pollution intensity and effluent concentration. Both are highly skewed, with skewness coefficients ranging from 3 to 9. In this case, the traditional student t test for equality of pre-rating group means is not appropriate. We employ the nonparametric Wilcoxon–Mann– Whitney test for equal means and the K-sample test for equal medians. Our results, reported in Table 4, show that significant differences in means and medians were common in the sample. In Zhenjiang, where Green Watch began in 1999, we find significant differences in mean and/or median pollution intensities for waste water, COD, and dust and smoke as well as significant differences in mean and/or median effluent concentrations for TSS, COD, and dust and smoke. Table 4 reports similar findings for the other three sample cities (Huaian, Wuxi, and Yangzhou), where the first public disclosure of ratings occurred in early 2001. 2 In light of these results, it is appropriate to introduce controls for pre-program pollution in our estimating equation: (2) Y it −Y it-1 = β 0 + α 1 F it + α 2 C it + α 3 R it + β 1 t + β 2 Y it-1 + µ it + ε it To determine the appropriate estimator, we employ Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian multiplier (BPLM) tests for random effects. We reject the null hypothesis in favor of the random effects model for air pollution intensities, and for air and water effluent concentra- tions. We assume that ε it was correlated across firms within a city but uncorrelated across firms in different cities. Tables 5/6 and 7/8 present estimation results for changes in pollution intensity and effluent concentration, respectively. In Tables 5 and 7, we test whether a firm reduces pollution simply because it was rated. A priori, it was possible that self-scrutiny by a rated firm resulted in better environmental management and reduced pollution, even if the firm had a good rating. Our results for the regression variable PRD were consistent with this hypothesis: PRD rating had a negative impact on pollution for all equations in Tables 5 and 7, and a statistically significant impact on TSS and SO 2 for pollution intensity, and dust and smoke for effluent concentration. Tables 6 and 8 provide more insights, by identifying specific color ratings for firms. We find strong results for water pollution intensity (TSS and COD) and dust-and-smoke intensity in Table 6, with highly significant reductions for the poorly rated firms that were much larger than reductions for the firms with better ratings. Intensities generally declined more among the rated firms for the other pollutants as well, but without the striking differential for the poorly rated firms. The same general pattern holds in Table 8, with generally declining effluent concentrations across all rated firms and the largest impacts among the poorly rated firms. Although some concentration results were highly 2 We also conducted the equal mean and median tests for each of the three cities. The results are qualitatively similar. 124