China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 120

Environmental Performance Rating and Disclosure: An Empirical Investigation in Jiangsu, China Figure 1. Rating Criteria of the Green Watch Program in Jiangsu Source: Revised based on Figure 1 in Wang et al. (2004). Green Watch ratings provided incentives for firms to improve their environmental performance in a comprehensive way. The primary benchmarks for ratings were China’s emission and discharge standards that specify effluent concentration limits. Firms violating any of these standards were rated red, and firms violating standards in more than 60% of inspections were rated black. The secondary benchmarks were China’s load-based emission and discharge standards. Firms that satisfied the primary benchmarks but violated the secondary standards were rated yellow. The ratings system also incorporated other performance indicators, including hazardous waste disposal practices, solid waste recycling, pollution accidents, public complaints, internal management requirements, China cleaner production certificates, ISO 14000 certificates, administrative penalties, and other citations for illegal activity. For each indicator, the system specified a link to ratings that was clear, unambiguous, and publicly available. 117