China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 108

Subjective and Objective Air Quality in Urban China the former as a proxy of the latter. In the survey, we asked the respondents about their access to government information, but it is not specifically about environmental information. We encourage future studies to collect more fine-tuned data to measure environmental transparency. Second, our data are cross-sectional and we cannot infer causal mechanisms through which objective air quality measures affect subjective perceptions. It would be promising to use experimental design (e.g., natural and quasi-experiments) to examine the interaction effects of air pollution and transparency on citizens’ perceptions. Third, we only surveyed residents in large cities in China, and our findings reported here should not be overgeneralized to small and medium-sized cities. Given China’s large geographical disparity in economic development, energy structure, and environmental pollution, we call for future research to replicate and extend our investigation in other contexts (e.g., small and medium-size cities) and employ more solid measures and data analysis technique to answer the research questions. Acknowledgement An earlier version of this manuscript entitled “Government Accountability and Citizens’ Satisfaction with Air Quality in Chinese Cities” was presented at the Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Educational Research Association 2012-13, February 22, 2013, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China. We want to thank Hua Wang, Xu Wu, and Yuan Xu for organizing this workshop. We also thank workshop participants and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. We are grateful to financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No.: 71774164; 1633004) and the Key Project of Ministry of Education (18JZD048). References Albert, E., and B. Xu. 2016. “China’s Environmental Crisis.” Council on Foreign Relations. china/chinas-environmental-crisis/ p12608. Andrews, R., G. Boyne, and R. Walker. 2011. “The Impact of Management on Administrative and Survey Measures of Organizational Performance.” Public Management Review 13 (2): 227-55. Bawa, K.S., L.P. Koh, T.M. Lee, J. Liu, P.S. Ramakrishnan, and D.W. Yu. et al. 2010. “China, India, and the Environment.” Science 327 (5972): 1457-59. Brown, K., and P.B. Coulter. 1983. “Subjective and Objective Measures of Police Service Delivery.” Public Administration Review 43 (1): 50-58. 90e01. Burger, J., and M. Gochfeld. 1998. “The Tragedy of the Commons 30 Years Later.” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 40 (10): 4-13. 105