China for International Rule of Law Vol Jan | Page 7

Selection Process

There will be two rounds for the selection. The first round is based on the papers submitted and the second round will be an oral presentation competition.

(1) First Round: IADS faculty will identify no more than 10 candidates from the papers submitted. Once selected, the papers will be uploaded to the IADS website within three weeks of the decision.

(2) Second Round: The selected candidates will be requested to make a presentation in English of the paper within 20 minutes. The panel of judges will be announced in due course. The oral presentation will be held at Moot Court, Mingli Building Tsinghua on April 29th, 2017, 9:30hrs to 12:30hrs.


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Tsinghua University, School of Law

Since its founding in 1920, Tsinghua University’s Law School has graduated many prominent legal scholars, judges and lawyers. Among its ranks are the late Judges Tieya Wang and Ruao Mei, and Justice Duanmu Zheng of the Supreme People’s Court.