Chile May 2013 Vol 2 | Page 2

The land of present day Chile was founded over 500 years ago . However , the land of Chile became known a Chile in 1540 . In 1540 , Pedro de Valdivia marched into Chile and , despite stout resistance from the Araucanians , founded Santiago and later established La Serena , Concepción , and Valdivia . Chile pushed for their independence in 1810 and finally achieved it in 1817 . In the 1900 ’ s


Chile had a major
Chilean troops and Argentinean troops going to battle at Chacabuco .
economic boom . They fortified their cost , built a navy , and built a major set of railways . This economic boom made Chile one of the leading countries in South America . In 1925 , Chile created their own constitution . In 1943 , Chile broke relations with the Axis- Powers and then declared war on Japan in 1945 . Present day Chile is very economically stable and is still expanding .
La historia de Chile es muy intersante !

Primera misa en Chile

Chile taking over the Spanish boat El Gamo .