curious kids'
Curious Kids’ Museum
415 Lake Boulevard
St. Joseph, MI 49085
Curious Kids’ Discovery Zone
333 Broad St.
St. Joseph, MI 49085
Come Play
Kids' Museum and the
Located in St. Joseph, Michigan, Curious
to come play, learn and
Curious Kids’ Discovery Zone invite you
the bluff is celebrating
be curious! The Curious Kids’ Museum on
' mission to be a place
its 25th year and has fulfilled the founders
ive, hands-on exhibits.
where "Learning is Fun" through interact
the opportunity to
In 2010, the Curious Kids' Museum had
ious Kids’ Discovery
expand and opened a second location, Cur
ter below the bluff.
Zone, steps away in the Silver Beach Cen
s’ Museum! You can
It’s always great to be a kid at Curious Kid
stuffed animals in our
paint a dinosaur on your cheek; heal
orchard. You can put
Curious Vet Clinic; and pick apples in the
signal with flags from
grandpa inside of a giant bubble; learn to
the Curious Kids’
the deck of the S.S. Cruizer; broadcast from
your way through a
TV and radio booths; and crawl and slide
ious Kids’ Museum on
nuclear power electricity exhibit. The Cur
the bluff is an adventure in imagination!
16 | children’sessentials
General Information
(269) 983-CKID [2543]