Margarita Dakoronia
The games are a common and international language between children. This shows us that we ought to insert in our pedagogical process. When the children are happy and fell that school is not only lessons then we have done the most important thing, we have managed to make school enjoyable. So we could make sensitive, positive, active pupils and after that caring and active citizens. I believe that the world needs people who have empathy about other people, animals and our planet's problems. So let's play and have fun not only our pupils but also the teachers.
Emine Nagehan ULAŞ
I'm in this project to make the students learn by having fun.I think games are one of the most significant tools to provide learning in an effective way.Also they help us to draw the students' attention and focus for a long time.They'll be more willing to listen ,learn the subject,..etc thanks to games.If we want to teach them a subject easily,we must try playing game together.So, we will see the power of games.
Eleni Androulaki -B class, 3rd Primary school of Agios Nikolaos
Here are some reasons we joined the project.. Playnig games helps in building the skills required to work together as a team. Helps in sculpting the decision-making skills. By playing games, kids begin to develop the body part coordination required in nearly all sports. Exposure to outdoor play draw them nearer to nature, help them to develop essential social skills and give impetus to their creativity and imagination...
Bu projeye katıldım.Çünkü oyun oynamak çocuklarımızın öğrenim ve gelişimi için önem arz eder ve kendilerini keşfetmelerine yardımcı olur.Oyun oynamak yalnızca eğlenmek veya zaman geçirmek değil aynı zamanda öğrenmektir tecrübe edinmektir.Oyun oynayarak çocuklarımız birlikte iş yapabilmeyi,mutlu olmayı,kazanma,kaybetme ve hırs gibi duyguları tadar tecrübe eder.Oyun oynayarak öğrenmeyi kalıcı kılar,vücudunu tanır sağlıklı ve mutlu olur
Yasemin SALKAN
Learning to have fun with my students; problem solving, critical thinking, strategy development, individual and group work to gain the habits of this project. Because, while children are playing, they both relax, socialize and achieve the highest level of mental activity.