Children's & Family Ministries brochure 2017 - 2018 | Page 2

and care of children: Give us Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the joy may teach them to love whatever calm strength and patient wisdom as we bring them up, that we Christ. Amen. is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior Jesus — The Book of Common Prayer, p. 829 rtant teachers of their children. We also We know that parents are the first and most impo tion, “Will you who witness these know that at each baptism, in response to the ques ons in their life in Christ?” we in the vows do all in your power to support these pers St. James’ Church, we share serious congregation answer, “We will.” As members of in this brochure opportunities to help responsibilities. It is my hope that you will find Jesus (whether you’re a parent or a you help our children become better followers of parishioner who answered “We will”!). Vicki Hall Director of Children’s & Families Ministries (reach me at 212-774-4232 or [email protected]) IN THIS BROCHURE • Sundays for Children.......................p. 3 • Special Opportunities......................p. 4 • Music for Children & Youth...........p. 5 • Weekday programs...........................p. 5 • Playgroups..........................................p. 6 • Mission & Service.............................p. 6 • Formation for Parents.....................p. 7 • Glossary...............................................p. 8 • Fall/Winter 2017 Calendar..............p. 9 • Registration form............................p. 11 • Parish Weekend Away...................p. 12 HOW DO WE SIGN UP? Register online at for all events or check the appropriate box on the registration form on the back page of this brochure. Contact Vicki Hall for more information or instructions about anything you find here! NEW! COMMUNION AWARENESS CLASS Saturday, Oct. 28, 10:00 a.m. All baptized children (of any age!) are encour- aged to take communion at St. James’. The decision about when to involve a child in Com- munion is totally up to the parents — and we of- fer some help in making that decision. Join us this fall for a class to orient children to the lo- gistics and significance of the Eucharist and to answer any questions parents may have about their children and the worship service.