They learn additional languages as required in the curriculum . Students continue developing oral and written fluency in both languages . Teachers use the MT to support the school language for instruction .
They begin reading and writing the official school language . They continue developing oral fluency in the official school language . Students continue developing oral and written fluency in the MT . Teachers use the MT and the official school language for instruction .
They begin learning the official school language . They learn to read and write in the MT . Students develop fluency in the MT and expand their school vocabulary . Teachers use only the MT for instruction .
Students expand their MT vocabulary and develop confidence in using the MT in school . Teachers use only the MT for instruction .
Progression for teaching languages as subjects and using them for instruction in MTB MLE . 1
MTB MLE RESOURCE KIT Including the Excluded : Promoting Multilingual Education
Following is a short description of the main features ( in orange ) of each step in the diagram , starting at the bottom and moving to to the top .
Students expand their MT vocabulary and develop confidence in using the MT in school . Small children quickly learn to enjoy school when they can use their MT to talk about things they know and do every day . They develop confidence in using their MT for learning when their teacher introduces new concepts in the MT and then encourages them to share ideas , work together to solve problems and report on what they have done . They expand their MT school vocabulary when their teacher introduces new MT terms gradually and always in a meaningful way .
1 Adapted from Malone , 2010 .