Children Without Shed Including The Excluding | Page 13

How Can You Use this Resource Kit ?

Each booklet is organized around key questions about MTB MLE that are frequently asked by policy makers , implementers and community members . Responses to each question include examples of specific activities that are part of successful MTB MLE programmes in a variety of contexts . Working together , stakeholders can identify the specific activities that are best suited for their own situation and make the best use of all available resources .

Using the Glossary of Terms

The last part of this booklet contains a glossary of terms that are used in the booklets in this Resource Kit . Please consult this glossary to check the meaning of terms that might not be familiar to you .

A Note for Translators

MTB MLE RESOURCE KIT Including the Excluded : Promoting Multilingual Education
This MTB MLE Resource Kit was originally developed in the English language . But for it to be used widely , it will need to be translated into different languages and may be adapted to fit different contexts . For those of you who will be given the task of translating and adapting this kit , please remember the following important points . This kit is meant to be user-friendly . For this reason , it is written in an informal , conversational style , as if you were talking to a person rather than simply writing for her or him . You are encouraged to use this style in your translation , instead of using a formal , often overly complicated one .
In order to make this Resource Kit useable by the variety of people supporting MTB MLE , we have tried to avoid overly complex terms . However , some terms can be difficult to translate . For example , your language may not have specific terms for “ mother tongue-based multilingual education ” or “ gender ” but it is important to understand and translate them accurately . If you have difficulty with some terms , please check with professionals or agencies who may have already translated them . If educators in your country have not translated the terms ( or if you think they have translated the terms inaccurately ), check with other national and international organizations that work in these areas to see how they have translated them .