Children and Family Wellbeing Service Booklet Children Family Wellbeing Service | Page 6

comms :
Children and Family
Wellbeing Service

Positive change

Then we will agree with you a step by step action plan which sets out how we all decide that progress can be made . We will then implement this with you or if you have agreed for others to be involved we will form a ‘ Team around your family ’ ( TAF ).
It ’ s important that we agree to meet regularly to review how you are progressing and make sure the actions we have agreed are getting done – otherwise you might not feel that we are properly supporting your progress . We expect to work with you for up to twelve weeks , depending on your needs .
Whatever we agree , we will make a record of it and you will always receive a copy to sign .
Another tool we use to help you keep track of your successes is called a ‘ Family Star ’. This helps us plot together your progress over time on the issues you are working on – at the start , middle and end of your journey .
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service is available for you in your local community . You can reach us by dropping in to see us at one of our centres . Contact our Talkzone service which will be able to guide you on where to find your local centre and details of the services and events they can offer .