Children. 001 | Page 6

"United Nations and its member countries are trying to make all possible efforts to promote child education and therefore investing in the future of the world "

Research has shown that there are a few core reasons which force people to remain and make their children remain uneducated. Some of these include the high costs of education which are not affordable to the poor majority of children and their families, limitations of schools and classrooms in the area where they reside and nearby, emergencies and conflicts in the area such as that in a war stricken area, discrimination such as that of gender or racial and last but not the least the craving of using children as labor than wasting their energies and time by educating them and making them unfruitful for the family. These are some of the reasons that are forcing more than one third of children who are of school going age to stay out of school and not getting proper educational facilities. United Nations and its member countries are trying to make all possible efforts to promote child education and therefore investing in the future of the world (Warnock, 1978).

Research Study outcome