What is your current age?
14 years old
What is your favorite game to play?
Trivia Crack
Do you consider yourself a model, actor, What is your favorite movie?
dancer, singer, or all of the above?
We Bought a Zoo
Dancer, model, and actress
What is your favorite song?
In what dance methods have you trained? "Trust My Lonely" by Alesia Cara
Ballet, Lyrical, Jazz, and Contemporary
What is something you are really good at?
What are some of the projects you have Pointe ballet
worked on?
I have been in many talent shows, dance What is something you can’t be without?
and photogenic competitions, ballet perfor- My phone
mances, movies, and modeling events.
What do you want to be when older?
What has been your favorite opportunity? Professional dancer and actress.
My favorite acting opportunity was being
cast in the movie The Greatest Showman. Who is your hero? Who do you look up to?
Working beside Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, I don't have a hero, but I look up to dancer
Michelle Williams, and Zendaya was really Maddie Ziegler. She is a great role model.
What would be your one wish?
What three words best describe you?
I want to live in LA, be a professional dancer,
Artistic, compassionate, and reliable
and do modeling and acting.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I really enjoy science.
What personal advice would you offer to
other children?
Always set goals and work hard to achieve
What hobbies do you enjoy?
them. It builds confidence and strength in
Dancing, drawing, photography, and play- all you do. To achieve a goal is such a great
ing the ukulele
What sports do you play?
Ice skating
Teen Contest Winner
Child Photo Magazine | 17