Child Photo Magazine Issue 09, Fall 2018 | Page 20
unsure how far that’ll go. I enjoy fictional my heart out, so I could be just like her. She
writing, being able to come up with my own contributed to awakening my passion for
world is so enjoyable to me.
dance, and for that I’m forever grateful!
What is something you can’t be without?
I can’t be without music, because music is
what gives me motivation and ideas. It turns
on my creative side. Without music, I prob-
ably wouldn’t be able to get anything done!
What would be your one wish?
This may sound weird, but I would wish for
the ability to fly without any mechanical
help. As a kid, I always wanted wings, so I
could fly like the birds. Then, I came across
the Maximum Ride series by James Patter-
What do you want to be when older?
son, and that desire only grew. It sounds silly,
This is a topic that’s been of utmost impor- I know, but it’s always been a dream of mine.
tance to me recently. As a senior in high
school, knowing what you want to do is im- What personal advice would you offer?
portant. Currently, I want to become a dance BE YOURSELF!! I can’t stress this enough. I
therapist. I have found dance to be a great spent all three years of middle school trying
way to get out any pent-up emotions and to be someone I wasn’t, so I could be part of
generally, a relaxing way to be myself. I want the “popular group”. It was exhausting trying
others to be able to feel that way, as it is an to keep up an appearance that I actually had
amazing feeling to have.
nothing to do with. Once I reached fresh-
man year of high school, I started letting my
Who is your hero? Who do you look up to? real self out, but at a cautionary pace. I felt
I have many influential people in my life. more relaxed, but I still worried about the
One of my hero’s, and one of the women who judgement of others. Then I started going to
inspired me to continue my journey with a new school, a place where I could start over
dance, is Melanie Moore. She won the eighth and truly be myself. From sophomore year
season of So You Think You Can Dance, to now, I’ve been who I truly am, and I’ve
which I was ecstatic about. When I was 10, I never been happier. I told you that to tell you
actually got the chance to learn from her and this; it’s not worth it trying to “fit in”. Don’t
meet her at a Jump convention that my stu- exhaust yourselves trying to be someone
dio attended. Back then, I was not that great you’re not. Be who you want to be, but don’t
of a dancer, but at that moment I didn’t care give up who you are just to fit an image. And
because I was actually in the same room as if you’re worried about your friends judg-
the Melanie Moore! We learned her chore- ing you, then they might not be your true
ography and when we were finished, I was friends. Be you, and your true friends will
able to get a picture with her. I thought my find you.
heart was going to explode out of my chest, I
was beyond excited. Since then, I’ve danced
20 | Child Photo Magazine