What is your current age?
7 years old What is your favorite game to play?
Hatchimals board game
Are you currently signed with an agency?
Manikin Agency What is your favorite book?
Go, Dog! Go.
Do you consider yourself a model, actor, What is your favorite movie?
dancer, singer, or all of the above?
"Olaf 's Frozen Adventure"
I consider myself to be a dancer and model.
What is your favorite song?
In what dance methods have you trained? "When We're Together"
Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Hip Hop.
What is something you are really good at?
What are some of the projects you have I'm good at gymnastics and dance.
worked on?
I have worked on some award winning cho- What is something you can’t be without?
reography dances with Shooting Stars Dance Dance and gymnastics. I love it!
What do you want to be when older?
What has been your favorite opportunity? I want to be a veterinarian and a dancer.
I have danced with Jack Hartmann in his ed-
ucational videos.
Who is your hero? Who do you look up to?
My mom is my hero.
What three words best describe you?
Happy, friendly, and smart
What would be your one wish?
I would love to be invisible.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I love, love, love math!
What personal advice would you offer to
other children?
What hobbies do you enjoy?
Always use your words.
I like to do anything artsy.
Teen Contest Winner
Child Photo Magazine | 13