were accepted into the Jacqueline Onasis Braeden were constantly struggling to
Kennedy American Ballet Theater (ABT), express themselves without fear of judgeas well as, the Broadway Dance Center. ment. It was a constant emotional rollBurke and Braeden are not
only achieving their goals,
they are excelling at them.
Donna says that the boys do
not currently have representation and she is responding
mostly to auditions posted
in Backstage and online at
Actor’s Access. She submits
headshots and video reels
that contain samples of their
modeling, runway work, and
dancing over the past years.
Donna says that while it has
been a significant financial
strain on the family, and she
misses her husband dearly,
she wants her sons to know
that she believes in them
and that she will support
them unconditionally in their pursuit of
their dreams no matter what they may be.
She wants them to learn that “anything is
achievable with passion, hard work, and
ercoaster ride of “am I fitting in?”; “am I
wearing the right thing?”; “who likes me
and doesn’t like me today?” Burke, especially, has been tortured by his peers for
most of his life due to his love for dance.
The better he got at his craft, the worse
Donna acknowledges that back in Nebras- things were for him.
ka, as is now common across the United
States today, schools are no longer includ- Donna hated seeing her boys in constant
ing the “arts” in their curriculum due to a pain. She considered that “if they could
lack of funding and the pressure to teach perform that well under all the negative
“more important” skills. Performing arts and toxic circumstances, what would they
are becoming a lost opportunity for kids do if surrounded by positive and upliftin school and children are losing an outlet ing people?” What would it be like to be
to communicate, express themselves, and around other people that have the same
explore their passions.
goals, the same desires to succeed, who
appreciate your talent, and are genuinely
As male dancers in Nebraska, Burke and happy for your success?
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