United Nation's View
ituc article - child labor
ITUC article, discusses different aspects and forms of child labor underpinning that child labor exists in diversified forms, some of which can be easily observed, while some of them are hidden. In this article, scholars have presented a long of list of activities and heavy works that are studied as forms of child labor.
United Nations define child as an every individual who is below the age of 18 and child labor refers to that work, which deprives children from their fundamental childhood rights. Type of work, child's age, and working hours are some important and considerable aspects of the labor activities and the intensity of these different aspects vary from country to country.
Child abuse is defined as a physical, mental or sexual maltreatment of a child. There are many types of child abuse because any act that neglects children's right as defined by United Nations is considered as a child abuse. The worst form of child abuse known as child labor
what is Child Abuse?