Child Abuse & Neglect April, 2014 | Page 8

Children neet to understand that it is okay to seek help. Some times these children are afraid that if they tell someone else, that they might be blamed or they will tell their parents and things might take turn for the worst. Adults can also be afraid to report child abuse to the authorities or another person. They do not want to be involved, they do not want to draw attention to themselves, they might think they are over reacting and maybe just assuming. Others belive that since it is not thier child then it must be none of their business. If children have friends who are being abused and they know for a fact that they are, then best thing to do is to inform an adult, a safe adult. Children may seek help with their teacher, their parents if they are being abused by someone else, a trsuting family member who is an adult, the police, or their doctor. There are so many people willing to help and we should be part of that crew. That crew for sure!