Chiiz Volume 23 Pushkar Photography | Page 38

Old is Gold Migrant Mother Dorothea Lange “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” A very convincing and realistic statement indeed. Looking at a photograph, one often feels as if time has just momentarily stopped; stopped for just that person and one is transported into a whole new land of memories where everything was different and time itself was gazing at them, capturing those moments and etching it on their hearts. Photographs always have that kind of effect. Even after depicting the most real scenes, they make us think in wonder of all those beautiful and unexplored realms that are out there ready to be unmasked by whoever has the patience to do so. “One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you’d be struck blind.” This was the whole life philosophy of the famous photographer Dorothea Lange and it was through this thought process that all her photographs appealed to the audience and conveyed a message that was much larger than what was just apparent. Lange (1895- 1965) was an American documentary photographer and photojournalist. She is most notably remembered for her shots during the Great Depression which she did for the Farm Security Administration (FSA). It was through her photographs that we could actually see and feel the harsh and brutal aftermath of the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a tough time for the whole world. It was the longest and the most severe economic depression of the 20th century. It started in the U.S. with a steep fall in stock prices and became a worldwide phenomenon when the stock market officially crashed on October 29, 1929, a dark day in the history of humankind more popularly known as ‘Black Tuesday’. The Depression had catastrophic effects on both the rich and the poor. While the rich could at least try to rise from the ashes, the poor did not even have those ashes left to rise from. For them, it was all gloomy. Unemployment rates were immensely high and nobody had any idea what to do next. Lange along with her husband worked for the Resettlement Administration and FSA. They wanted to bring forth the problems and difficulties of the poor people whom the others had comfortably erased from their memory. Her husband interviewed these people which mainly comprised of migrant workers, sharecroppers and displaced families and she captured their troubles. One of the most iconic photos she took was ‘The Migrant Mother’ in 1936. The Migrant Mother is a photograph of a middle-aged woman who is probably destitute. Her clothes are unkempt. She is not alone. Two of her children are leaning on to her from both sides and is holding a baby in her lap. Worry has aged her face. She has a sad and distant look in her eyes. The woman has been identified as Florence Owens Thompson. This photo was taken when Lange was driving past the Pea Pickers Camp. She had already passed this pace but some unknown force pulled her back. She was almost as if “drawn by a magnet”. As soon as she saw 38 CLASSICS this woman, she went to her with her camera. Thompson was so indifferent to this that she did not even ask any questions. She was too preoccupied with her own plight. She told Lange her age and the pathetic conditions they had been living in. The crops had frozen that year and she was out of employment. They were surviving on frozen vegetables and the birds killed by the children. But now they had nothing left. So, she had sold the tires from her car in order to procure food and feed her hungry children. Thompson thought that Lange clicking her pictures might assist her in the sense that her conditions could improve, so she had no qualms about getting her picture clicked. It was anyway not as if she was busy. She was worried sick about her family instead. Lange showed the photos to her editor and told her about the dire circumstances those people were living in. The editor, in turn, told the federal authorities and also published an article regarding it in the newspaper. The government’s attention turned to this place and help was promptly provided. The government sent 20,000 pounds of food in order to prevent starvation. No doubt Lange’s photos had a positive impact on the lives of such underprivileged people but who knows how bad the entire condition was. There must have been millions of people all over the world who were going through similar circumstances but maybe nobody paid them any attention and they lived life miserably for as long as they were alive and died in an even miserable scenario. Who knows? The truth is ghastly and not all of us have the courage to know it and then live with it. Saman Waheed [email protected] Saman Waheed, like all writers, loves writing about each and everything under the sun. An indoor person , she loves to sit back and just travel to another world, lost in her thoughts. She loves the company of books as they take her to places she has never been.