Chiiz Volume 21 Mountain Photography | Page 85

Petra Pantyi from Budapest is cur- rently pursuing masters in filmmak- ing and directing. Despite the fact that her studies were mostly related to motion picture, pho- tography never lost its importance for her. Not only because she re- ally loves taking photos and notices their effects on those who watch them, but also because photography helps her being focused and being able to put a whole story or compound feelings into one moment. This kind of pursuit of density results in a lot more concentrated atti- tude while making movies. This series is based on an interference phenomenon. Printed outfits with different patterns were designed and an installation from tangible horizontal rubber strands was created by Jikka Ottlik, the textile designer. A professional dancer wore these outfits and improvised movements inside the installation ’box’. This created a physical interference phenomenon without using any digital media. Dissolve Nikon D3200 50mm F/5.6 1/100 ISO3200 Breathe Nikon D3200 45mm F/5.3 1/80 ISO3200 A video of the whole project was also made which showed this effect more spectacularly in real time, however drawing up the interference phenomenon on a standing photo was a really interesting subject. But as earlier mentioned, this impels concentrated thinking, and this is the kind of challenge what that keeps Petra interested in photography. Birth Nikon D3200 52mm F/5.6 1/80 ISO3200