Pascal Mannaerts is a freelance photographer based in Brussels, Belgium. Blessed with an
artistic bent and wanderlust, he discovered photography during his student years. Sharing and
recording his travel adventures became a priority. A first visit to India in 2000 revealed a deep
admiration for the subcontinent. This was the first of many return engagements. Travelling to
Asia, Africa, Latin America, North Africa and the Middle East during the last 15 years has given
Pascal the opportunity to portray humanity in its strongest forms. Curiosity and a passion for
images have been fused with a profound attraction to the human element in his pictures. Pascal
has publication credits in National Geographic, BBC, Geo, The Guardian, Le Guide du Routard,
Lonely planet, Médecins Sans Frontières and in many newspapers and magazines worldwide.
Several exhibitions of his pictures were held in Paris, Belgium, Brazil and India by, among others,
Alliance française, Amnesty International and Les Maisons du Voyage. A part of his work can be
seen on his website
Loneliness in the heights of Van
Canon 5D Mark III 105mm F/8 1/500 ISO400
Woman in Diyarbakir
Canon 5D Mark III 105mm F/7.1 1/320 ISO400
A traditional oven Sogmatar
Canon 5D Mark III 24mm F/4 1/640 ISO400
Northern Kurdistan
Kurdistan (literally meaning ‘Land of the Kurds’) is a geo-
graphical and cultural region in the Middle East, mostly
populated by the Kurds. It extends to some parts of Tur-
key, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Of these four countries, only two
have a region officially under the name ‘Kurdistan’ - Iran
with its Kordestan province and Iraq with its autonomous
Kurdistan region. Mainly located on the Anatolian and the
Armenian plateau, the Northern Kurdistan is mountainous
and Mount Ararat is the highest peak.
City of Mardin
Canon 5D Mark III 24mm F/11 1/320 ISO100