Rough Day
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III 50mm F/16 1/125s ISO100
First Love
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III 50mm F/16 1/125s ISO100
Francesco Tonelli
Born in the Marche region of Italy and raised in Milan, Francesco’s style is rooted in a deep, passionate and lifelong understanding of food. His
earliest and most valuable lessons were learned from his mother, who grew up on a farm in central Italy and understood so many aspects of
food-making, from harvesting crops to making olive oil. After many years of working in kitchens and hotels across Europe, Francesco became a
professor of culinary arts at The Culinary Institute of America, and a prominent R&D chef and food stylist for La Cucina Italiana in Milan, develop-
ing and styling hundreds of dishes for the magazine.
Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III 50mm F/16 1/125s ISO100