Chiiz Volume 04 : Wildlife Photography | Page 23

Darling Diaphanous ...

Each day , she lost a little more of her mind , in hope of finding the heart . She began with some reckless running , all in vain . Slowly , illuminating the benevolence her heart holds , she gazed at the neverland of symphony ; walking through , she recognizes the hopelessly graceful pain in the whispers of emptiness . What she bartered , was a face just fair and lovely , all of superficial beauty , for an irrevocable inner charm . A charm , which filled her up like nothing else ever had . There ’ s a reflection of herself at every step she takes . Just a piece of glass that shows the kindness that she is . She ’ d only seen how the rains made her smile and cry , at the same time . Now ? She witnessed the affection of a warming sun , an unforgettable fragrance of the dried up land and the caring warmth of a grazing herd of lambs .

" I fell in love with the dry , yet vibrant shrubs of grass that sang to me . I embraced everything around me , everything within me . Darling , diaphanous & pure as the light , your eyes shall meet all things beautiful .”
Photography and Concept : Abhilash Ramadass Styling and Content : Nagasindhu MN Producer & Art Direction : Sid Naidu Makeup & Hair : Marianna Leo Francis
Don ' t Let Me Down Canon EOS 5D Mark II 24mm F / 4 1 / 250s ISO100
Mirror O Mirror Canon EOS 5D Mark II 47mm F / 4 1 / 250s ISO100
The Shepherd Tales Canon EOS 5D Mark II 35mm F / 4 1 / 1250s ISO100