other words, many Chinese people hope to
become more sexually potent. This alleged
effect is, to this day, nowhere proven!
In order to produce these questionable
products, thousands of rhinos were killed.
They were brutally slaughtered to the brink
of extinction. Only by harsher punishments
to the perpetrators and a paramilitary
surveillance on the last of the rhinoceroses
could a complete extermination of these
wonderful animals be prevented. Although
in the end, animal protectionists won and
the number of rhinos gradually increased.
Benny with a Friend
The Nurses And I
By Benny Rebel
ore than 20 years ago, I came in
contact with several environment
protection organizations and learned about
the various abuses caused to wild animals
by greedy people and companies. They
ruthlessly destroyed nature and had already
exterminated many species of animals,
while others were on the brink of it.
When we started helping out endangered
species, mainly elephants, whales and
rhinoceroses, we had to take several
extensive measures to protect them.
During that time, I was very busy helping
different species, especially rhinoceroses.
They were, then poached to make dagger
from their horns for the rich Arabs of the
Middle East, and their horns were pulverized
to be used for the often questionable
Chinese medicines. In traditional Chinese
medicine, the powdered horn of the rhino
is said to have an aphrodisiac effect. In
Years later, I flew to South Africa to do
some sort of ranger training. I wanted to
learn more about the world of animals, and
the behavioral patterns of certain species.
Durin g this time I lived with the rangers
and was with them round the clock and
helped wherever and whenever assistance
was needed.
At that time, a drought period plagued
the reserve where I was traveling as an
apprentice. In order not to lose the precious
rhinos, elephants and some other species of
animals by the drought, we were forced to
import tons of grass from the water holes,
which had been bought from other greener
regions of South Africa and transported
to us. We had to load a few tons of grass
every day on a large pickup - bring to the
The mother and child
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