Urshita Saini
[email protected]
is her passion,
is her forte. She
is a lawyer turned
t u r n e d
businesswoman. The transition was quick
as it was what the camera ordered.
fter packing clothes for the
six day trip, we strapped our
cameras and laptops to our bikes,
put on our helmets and started
off our journey to one of the most
vibrant cities in the world, Pushkar.
On a bright November morning,
the ride to Pushkar was just the
beginning of an amazing road trip.
The highway from Delhi to Pushkar
via Jaipur and Ajmer is a well-laid
the holiest cities of India
because of the Brahma
Temple that is believed to
be built in the 14th century
AD. Also the lake (sarovar)
in Pushkar is believed to
have been created when
Lord Brahma dropped
a lotus flower on earth,
which turned into a lake
which can be dated with
certainty to at least the 4th
century BC.
It is famous for its
organised annually by the
The sprawling annual Vijay Nakum
Man In Red Turban
Gujarat, India
Canon EOS 550D 135mm F/11 1/125s ISO400
festivities of the 100-year-
old Pushkar Mela(fair),
Pushkar. Right from dawn, you will
through its dramatic collage find photographers scourging for
of diversified pictures, the best location and shot.
mirrors the vibrancy of the We were there to help conduct
gracious state of Rajasthan. a
This iconic fair attracts organized by “EFACTOR”, who was
thousands of livestock also the organizer for this year’s
and almost a million fair. We were fortunate to meet
tourists, including many photographers from all over the
from across the world. It world during this competition. Our
is celebrated for five days accommodation was one luxurious
from the Kartik Ekadashi camp in the middle of an orchard
to Kartik Poornima, the about 4 kms from the main fair
full moon day of Kartik ground. Pushkar is dotted with
in many camping sites and hotels can
Hindu calendar. The full be easily found to fit every budget.
moon day is the main day As it is right on the edge of the Thar
and on that day, according desert, it was a bit colder in the
to a legend, the Hindu evening. But as the sun rose in the
god, Brahma sprung up morning, it was so hot that I couldn’t
the Pushkar Lake, thus believe I was reaching out for my
numerous people swim in jacket just 12 hours ago. Our day
its sacred waters.
began by rushing to the mela(fair)
ground where all the activities
Kailash Soni
The Eternal Happiness
Indore, India
Nikon D750 92mm F/8 1/200s ISO200 Pushkar is a photographer’s
were taking place. Pushkar mela
delight. The colours, the has a lot of fun activities for all the
the diversity and the tourists that land up to be a part of
road and it took us about 8 hours
to get there. Once you reach the animals make for the perfect this colorful festival.
town, you will be surprised to see backdrop. The portraits you find
the number of colors that’ll hit here are probably the best. The
you. Despite the long ride, Pushkar vivid colors of this place are hard The Pushkar fair is actually known
to miss and anyone who steps in for camel trading. A century old
welcomed us with open arms.
the city will automatically become tradition where camel herders
a photographer, simply because come together to trade their
Pushkar is considered to be one of one cannot resist the beauty of animals. Camel traders and