Aurora Borealis
The Eyes Canon EOS 7D Mark II 58mm F/5.6 1/160s ISO320
Jassi Oberai
Canon photo mentor and founder
of Light Chasers Photography, Delhi
based photographer, Jassi Oberai has
captivated the viewers with his work.
Versatility being his key, he loves the
challenge of shooting wildlife on one
day to shooting fashion the other. In a lot of his
photographs you’ll see very vibrant colors. A lot of
times this can give a whole new look to something
that’s rather mundane or something that our eye’s
are used to. Light Chasers Photography, believes
in delivering values in whatever they do. They
conduct photo workshops, organize photo tours
or model shoots and at times be adventurous and
combine all three above. Jassi believes patience,
practice and the courage to be different is the key
to improve your photography.
His main subject has always been light and his
pictures showcase his love for capturing light in
different ways. You can find out more about him
Ostrich Silhouette Canon EOS 5D Mark III 200mm F/5.6 1/5000s ISO800