Chieftain Halloween Issue 2020-2021 | Page 2

Why Biden ? Because He ’ s Not Trump

A look at the key issues reveals former Veep is a much better alternative in 2020
By Andy Gucciardo Chieftain Guest Columnist
Although Joe Biden may not be everyone ’ s ideal choice for President , he is undoubtedly a better choice than Donald Trump .
In the last four years , Trump has proven himself to be a chaotic and unfit leader for the United States . Whether he ’ s going off on Twitter rants over a minor inconvenience , being impeached for forming a quid-pro-quo , or receiving misconduct allegations too nuimerous to count , Trump has proven himself time and time again to be an embarrassment to this country .
This election is crucial . Since the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg last month , Trump has nominated a new conservative Justice to replace her , which , if she is approved , would form a Republican majority in the Supreme Court and open the potential for a Republican-leaning Supreme Court to overturn landmark decisions that protect Americans in terms of their constitutional rights . Electing Biden might mean a different outcome .
Biden also favors cleaner energy and wants to rejoin the Paris Accord , a global agreement on the climate , and eliminate carbon emissions by 2050 . Trump still denies the existence of climate change , despite credible sources , such as NASA , who have used science to prove that climate change is real .
Trump also handled the COVID-19 pandemic poorly . He denied the entire situation for months and lied to Americans repeatedly . On April 13 , Trump stated that COVID-19 was minor and that the country needed to reopen . On that same day , Trump was recorded saying that COVID-19 “ was a killer ” and “ was so easily transmissible you wouldn ’ t even believe it .” A man who lies to citizens about the severity of a deadly virus is not fit to be President .
Trump prioritizes personal finance over the health of Americans . He is in favor of extending tax cuts , which will cost the federal government $ 1.5 trillion , according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal
Biden makes his point during the first Presidential debate in September
Budget . Biden is in favor of raising the top income tax rate back to 39.6 % from 37 % and the top corporate income tax rate to 28 % from 21 %. According to the Tax Policy Center , Biden ’ s tax proposals will increase revenue by $ 4 trillion between 2021 and 2030 .
Biden is also in favor of closing the loopholes that people in business , like Trump , use to avoid paying taxes . The New York Times has reported that Trump paid only $ 750 in federal income tax in 2016 and paid no taxes in some other years .
Some may say this is smart , while others say it is unethical . The bottom line is the loopholes that Trump uses to avoid paying taxes ultimately means that we , as American citizens , have to pay more taxes because Trump cheats the The second and final Pre system .
There is no sound reasoning in why this should be allowed . The working class should not lose money so Trump can avoid paying the taxes he owes . Biden wants to close these loopholes so that billionaires like Trump cannot avoid paying taxes , and that ultimately will benefit the working class more .
In terms of healthcare , Trump wants to decrease funding from Medicare and Medicaid and , despite being President for four years , he has not revealed a new healthcare system , which was one of his campaign promises in 2016 . Biden wants to expand the Affordable Care Act and will insure 97 percent of Americans , effectively saving more American lives than Trump will .
Overall , Biden is the better option because he favors protecting constitutional rights , expanding healthcare , closing tax loopholes , and enforcing cleaner energy .
Biden may not be perfect but , in order to save democracy from Donald Trump , I urge you all to settle for Biden .
Brother Rice High School Chieftain Page 2 october 2020
Photo by NYTimes . com