Chief Executive Issue 2 | Page 4

EDITOR GILBERT MWIJUKE E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +250 787 089 069 WRITERS DENISE M. TUYISENGE DONNAH MBABAZI DAVID CECIL BRIAN GASHUGI SALES AND MARKETING ALICE MBABAZI E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +250 786 896 633 PHOTOGRAPHY DANIEL S. NTWARI ILLUSTRATIONS DOLPH BANZA DESIGN AND LAYOUT RUKUNDO SEAN GILBERT CUT OUT FOR ROUGH SEAS The road to success is usually a bumpy one. It’s long and intricate. It throws at us tons of challenges. That is why, many times, it’s the most compulsive people who are good at navigating that road. People who make it in life never look at failure as the end of the world. The sky will never fall down, so they believe. They treat each failure as one step forward, and their engines never conc out no matter how bumpy the road to success is. But of course, not everyone is cut out for these rough seas. However, there are some individuals who stand out as being particularly well-suited for dealing with hard things. Rwandan entrepreneurs Davis Nteziryayo, Serge Ndekwe and Greg Bakunzi are good examples of such individuals. Like most successful entrepreneurs, Nteziryayo and co. started many business ventures that failed, but their failures were not wasted opportunities; they always drew something from them. Certainly little-known to most Rwandans, Nteziryayo is the brain behind Pesa Choice, a California-based money transfer services company that mainly targets the African di04 - CHIEF EXECUTIVE aspora. The stories of Amahoro Tours’ Greg Bakunzi and Masaka Farms’ Serge Ndekwe are equally fascinating. Find out how these outstanding individuals have braved the murky waters of entrepreneurship and registered enviable success along the way. In this issue, we also analyse two works of journalism that have circulated in the recent past purporting to tell the ‘Truth’ about Rwanda: The Untold Story (BBC 2014, producer Jane Corbin), which presents an alternative narrative about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi; and Anjan Sundaram’s book, Bad News (Bloomsbury Circus 2016), which offers to expose to the reader the contradiction between the government’s claims to support freedom of expression and the reality of how hard it is for Rwandan journalists to deviate from a script written by the very same government. Free copy October 2016 edition But how can we navigate together through the shadowy terrain of history, hand-inhand, and supporting each other, so that we do not lose our balance? Enjoy! Gilbert 挀漀渀渀攀挀琀椀渀最 吀䠀䔀 䐀伀吀匀