Chichester Yacht Club Magazine September 2018 | Page 28
Safety warning about defective throw bag
rescue lines
The MAIB has issued urgent safety warnings
after the failure of a throw bag
Following the discovery of a defective throw
bag rescue line by a rowing club in
Warrington, the Marine Accident Investigation
Branch (MAIB) has issued an important safety It is likely that many of these throw bags will lie
dormant in a cupboard or locker until they are
required to be deployed in an emergency.
Throw bags will lie dormant in a cupboard or
locker until they are required to be deployed in To ensure that throw bag rescue lines are fit
an emergency.
for purpose they should be opened and
checked. In particular:
As a result, the MIAB is urging all mariners
► The entire length of the rescue line should
that may have any throw bag rescue lines in
their possession to undertake urgent checks to be examined for joins or other discontinuities.
ensure these are safe to use.
This can best be done by feeling along the
length of the line with bare hands to identify
Many commercial craft and recreational
rough patches or lumps
vessels carry throw bag rescue lines as part of ► Any knots, splices or other methods of
their safety equipment, and it is estimated that securing the ends of the line to handles, quoits
there are tens of thousands in circulation in
or other parts of the equipment should also be
the UK alone.
checked for integrity
► The throw bag should be inspected and
tried at regular intervals and repacked
according to the manufacturer’s
instructions, as otherwise the line
may not deploy freely from the
bag when required
► Any throw bag rescue lines
found to have joins or
discontinuities should be
removed from service and the
original manufacturer /supplier
To assist with this ongoing
investigation, the MAIB is asking
for full details of any defective
throw bag rescue lines
discovered to be reported via
[email protected].