Commodore Tony Mobbs
What a Weekend
We had a brilliant start to our summer season,
the first May Bank Holiday weekend found the
Club full of activity.
Andy told me the kitchen served over 1,200
meals over the weekend – a record for the
Club. Needless to say this did bring with it a
few problems, we had to close the bar for a
short time on the Sunday evening while the
bar staff replenished their glass stock.
However I would like to remind members who
are bringing guests to the Club to ensure their
names are entered into the visitors’ book, so
we have their names in case of an
emergency. Remember you can only bring the
same guest to the Club on six separate
So I would just like to remind members to help occasions throughout the year. We have had
several new members recently who had
the staff by returning your empty glasses to
originally come to the Club as a visitor and
the bar to ensure we keep on top of demand
enjoyed it.
at busy times.
Activities around the
I would encourage you all to visit the
Club and see the many changes we
are making to improve your
experience of the Club.
You can read in Manu’s report later
the details, but in summary we have
improved the lighting in the Quarter
Deck; we have acquired some new
furniture to improve the seating in
the bar and from the beginning of
June we are starting to serve
sandwiches from the bar during our
Sunday lunchtime service, a request
from members across all sections.
Membership Card Check
Hope to see you there soon.
We conducted our first membership card
Happy sailing
check of the year at the end of April. I am
pleased to report that we did not come across
anyone who did not have a legitimate reason
for being in the Club. We did find that a lot of
members are now bringing their guests to the
Club, which we welcome.