Chichester Yacht Club Magazine December 2019 | Page 20
Honorary Secretary
David Pearce
The General Committee, chaired by Commodore Tony Mobbs, met on Saturday 2 November and dealt with the
following business:
Three new members were welcomed to the General Committee: Gavin Crick (RC Motors), Neil Bacon and
Simon Benson.
The Cdre reported that the New Members’ Reception had been a success and was well supported. Extra
dates will be planned for 2020.
Two issues that had been raised at the Yacht Section AGM were considered for further investigation, a
directory of members and WC provision for external events.
A member had raised an issue at the Club AGM concerning the presentation of the audited accounts which
will be looked into to see whether they can be clarified for next year.
A budget for 2020 was presented; however since this was drafted we have been informed by Premier Marinas
that our rent will rise by £5.5k +VAT per annum in 2020. In addition, the rate of inflation for 2020 is
impossible to predict in the current climate. Mindful of the planned expenditure on the waterfront in 2020, the
Committee agreed to the arrangement of an overdraft facility with the bank as a fall-back should we run short
of cash next year.
It was agreed to move to card-only payments in the Bar and Restaurant in 2020 because of the high costs
associated with handling cash. The Tea Bar will not be affected at present and cash will be accepted at the
Office for certain purposes.
It was agreed to extend low season opening hours to run from October until the end of April, with slightly
earlier closing on Sunday to Tuesday.
The Committee agreed an extension to Family Membership which will allow children in full-time education to
remain within the membership after they are 18.
Given the rising cost of labour, the uncertain inflation position and a survey of fees at comparable clubs in the
Harbour, it was decided to increase all club membership and dinghy park fees in 2020. This is the first increase
for quite a number of years.
It was agreed to engage a health and safety consultant on a two-year contract to provide advice, training and
legal support if needed. Savings will be made on current training costs.
The Committee heard that the contract for the first phase of the waterfront project had now been awarded.
However, we still await the outcome of deliberations by the Marine Management Organisation and the
Environment Agency before work can begin. It was agreed to provide a presentation for members about
project and the reasons for undertaking it.
It was agreed to form a new Member Services Sub-Committee which would have a wide-ranging brief focusing
on the Club programme, membership experience and the maintenance of member numbers. Full terms of
reference will be developed.
Committee member Neil Bacon agreed to take on a role concerning the Club’s IT and information strategy.
Heard that the Club’s buildings had been re-valued by our insurance company and consequently the premium
had increased.
Concern was expressed about Premier Marinas’ new restrictions on the sale of fuel; the Cdre will speak to the
Marina Manager to see if a relaxation could be made for members who are not berthed in Chichester Marina.
The next General Committee meeting is on Saturday 14 December 2019 at 10:00.