Chichester Yacht Club Magazine April 2020 | Page 3

By Tony Mobbs, Commodore I guess we are all familiar with the Chinese saying "may you live in interesting times". What you may not know is that it is more of a curse than a saying. Well we are certainly now living in interesting times. As you know by now, in compliance with the Government Guidance, we have temporarily suspended all operations within the Clubhouse. It was a very difficult decision to make and one not faced by any other commodore over the last 50 years as a sailing club. But the health and safety of, and risk to, our members and staff was of paramount importance. You will be pleased to know that all our staff are fit and well. Keith finally arrived back in the UK following his holiday in Zimbabwe. We have now reduced the operational staff within the Club to an absolute minimum and we have placed about half our staff in "furlough" to ensure they maintain a regular income. Chichester Yacht Club has now become a virtual, on-line sailing club. Manu, Tom, Lucy and Liz are all working from home and keeping the Club ticking over and carrying out basic health and safety and financial procedures. Also we are contacting our more vulnerable members to ensure they are still ok and their needs are being met. We held our first eSailing race, a quiz is planned and there are many more activities coming. I have been deeply touched over the last few weeks by the letters of support from our loyal membership following the decisions we have made, together with the many offers from members volunteering to support the Club and our more vulnerable members. Thank you all. Major Incident Committee You may be wondering how the Club is operating during these difficult times. From the outset of the crisis, the General Committee, in line with our business continuity plans, set up a Major Incident Committee. The main role of the Committee is to facilitate rapid decision making during this period of flux and uncertainty and to provide leadership sup- port to the operational staff of the Club. The committee consists of myself, David Pearce (Club Secretary), Roger Marshall (Club Treasurer), Philip Brown (Specialist), Manu Jenkin (Club Pretty nasty, Covid-19 General Manager), Tom Dewey (Club Hospitality Manager) and Liz Adlington (Club Accounts Manager). The committee meets regularly either by telephone or video conferencing. The committee has had to make some very difficult decisions but we had to ensure the safety of our members and staff alike, together with the long-term viability of the Club. All major decisions are escalated to the General Committee for ratification. I cannot express strongly enough my appreciation for the time and support this volunteer-led team has given to the Club through this difficult time. I am sure you will support me in this. At the time of writing, it is still unclear as to how much longer we will remain in our current state. But one thing is certain - it will soon pass - and, with your on-going support, Chichester Yacht Club will be a strong, thriving Club once again. Please, keep safe and healthy 3