Chiao Ho Funeral Booklet | Page 8

Message “ Well done , good and faithful servant . Come and share your master ’ s happiness .” Rev . Woo York Ang
Hymn ‘ It Is Well With My Soul ’
1 . When peace like a river attended my way , When sorrows like sea billows roll , Whatever my lot , Thou has taught me to say , It is well , it is well with my soul .
Chorus : It is well-with my soul , It is well , it is well-with my soul .
2 . My sin – O the bliss of this glorious thought , My sin – not in part but in whole , Is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more ! Praise the Lord , praise the Lord , O my soul !
3 . And , Lord , haste the day when the faith shall be sight , The clouds be rolled back as a scroll , The trump shall resound , and the Lord shall descend ! Even so – It is well with my soul .