Chess Life Julio 2012 | Page 5

July on uschess . org
GM Ben Finegold (“ Looks at Books ,” p . 10 ) is currently the grandmasterin-residence of the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis .
Matan Prilleltensky (“ Cover Story ,” p . 18 ) is a regular contributor to Chess Life Online and plays for the Manhattan Applesauce in the U . S . Chess League .
Jamaal Abdul-Alim (“ All-Girls ,” p . 28 ) is a Washington , D . C . -based freelance writer who covers higher education and chess .
Jorge Berrera (“ Scholastics ,” p . 32 ) has been teaching chess in schools for ten years . Starting at the Berkeley Chess School in California , he now lives in Chicago and teaches as part of the Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation .
GM Varuzhan Akobian (“ In the Arena ,” p . 36 ) is a former Samford Fellow and two- time Olympiad bronze medalist . He is the top-ranked player in California , fourth in the U . S . and ranks among the top 150 in the world . He has been featured on the MTV series True Life : I ’ m a Genius .
William Faulk (“ In the Arena ,” p . 36 ) is an educator / professor who has worked in public schools and at a highly-ranked private university . Mr . Faulk has written articles for Chess Life , Chess , Rochade Europa , New in Chess and other publications .
IM Dan Edelman (“ World Open ,” p . 40 ) was among America ’ s top junior players of the 1980s and 1990s and manytime U . S . scholastic and Pan-Am Intercollegiate chess champion . He was also the co-creator and co-organizer of some of America ’ s most interesting chess events including the Harvard Cup ( 1989-95 ), Karpov versus Deep Thought ( 1990 ), the USCF ’ s Chessathon ( 1992-93 ), the Reshevsky Memorial ( 1992 ), and the Fine Memorial ( 1993 ).
Chess Fireworks
Chessplayers celebrate Independence Day at the biggest open tournament of the year , the World Open in Philadelphia . The event features a quarter of a million dollar projected prize fund ( and $ 200,000 guaranteed ) and spans from July 4-8 . In addition to CLO reportage , look for U . S . Chess Scoop coverage , hosted on our channel , YouTube . com / USChess Federation .
Get Ready for Vancouver
As the U . S . Open in Vancouver , Washington approaches ( August 4-12 ), check for updated information on the prestigious nine-round Open as well as concurrent national championships , the Denker Tournament of High School Champions , the Barber K-8 Tournament of State Champions and the Trophies Plus U . S . Girls Junior Championship .
Junior Closed in St . Louis
The U . S . Junior Closed , a 10-player round-robin invitational will be held from July 10-15 at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis . A spot is up for grabs at the 2013 U . S . Chess Championship , also set for St . Louis . Find CLO reports and live commentary on uschesschamps . com .
Seniors & Juniors in Houston
The young and the experienced meet in Houston for the U . S . Junior Open ( July 13-15 ) and the U . S . Senior Open ( July 9-14 ).
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