Club News
Waltham Chess Club
( www . walthamchessclub . org ) — Nicholas P . Sterling , Ph . D .
February 2010 We closed out 2009 in high spirits with a highly successful Holiday Party on 12 / 18 / 09 . Everyone who came brought so much pizza and so many delicious desserts , snacks , and soda that we were all floating in food within an hour . We ran a 3-Round Game / 10 tournament , which Max Chiu-hsin Lu won with a perfect score of 3 points ; we followed that with a team quad Bughouse tournament ., which Team I ( Todd Chase and Hao-yuan Pai ) won with a perfect score of 3 points . This is certainly the first Bughouse Tournament WCC has held for a long time , if ever , and I look forward to many more . Thanks to everyone who came , brought food , and played .
The Waltham Chess Club meets every Friday evening from 7 PM through the evening , sometimes burning the post-midnight oil . Our website is http :// walthamchessclub . org , including directions to our site at the IBM Building ( 404 Wyman Street in Waltham ), and our schedule of events ( which can also be found on the MACA website calendar ). Some highlights from the last few months :
• Tomas Girnius took first place in the Festival of Lights G / 60 in December , with a score of 2 points .
• Frank Sisto took first place in the First Friday in January with a score of 6.5 out of 7 points .
• We were delighted to welcome International GM Arthur Bisguier , and welcome back Edward Epp , to the MLK G / 60 in January . Todd Chase and Matthew James Webber took first and second prizes with scores of 2 points and 1.5 points respectively .
• Todd Chase took first prize in the January G / 25 with a perfect score of 3 points , while George Comeau took the first under-1500 prize with a score of 2 out of 3 points .
• We are honored to welcome SM Denys Shmelov to our club . In a tough field that included Gregory Kaden , Todd Chase , and Frank Sisto , Denys took first prize in the First Friday in February with a score of 6 out of 7 points .
• In our first Wild Card event in February , we held a 5-Round G / 15 . We were pleased to have Patrick Sciacca join us that night , and he and Tomas Girnius took first and second prizes with scores of 5 and 4 points respectively . We were also happy to welcome back Barbara Peskin . Free pizza was served that night , and I thank everyone who made donations to cover the cost . Finally , I intend to publish regularly in Chess Horizons one featured game from a WCC tournament . If you have a score of a game that you ’ d like to see in print , turn it in to me and I ’ ll write up an article . Annotations are welcome but not necessary .
Thanks to all those who have come to Waltham on Friday night and helped our club to grow and prosper .
Wachusett Chess Club
( www . wachusetchess . org ) — George Mirijanian
Former multitime club champions Bruce Felton and George Mirijanian , both of Fitchburg , tied for first place in the Reggie Boone Memorial tournament , held January 6 to February 3 at the McKay Campus School at Fitchburg State College . The Class A players , who drew each other in the third round , tallied 4.5-0.5 in a field of 25 players . Tying as runners-up with 3-2 scores were fellow Class A participants Larry Gladding of Leominster , Martin Laine of Lunenburg , and Dave Couture of Westminster , as well as Class B entrants Paul Giovino of Lunenburg , Arthur Barlas of Chelmsford , George Miller of Ashburnham and Tom Fratturelli of Leominster . Finishing behind the runners-up with 2.5-2.5 results were top-ranked expert Raymond Paulson of Lowell , 1999 club champion Geoffrey LePoer of Westford , Kenneth Gurge of Leominster , Mark Daley of New Ipswich , NH , and Max Sewell of Peterborough , NH . The tournament honored the memory of longtime club member Reggie Boone ( 1926-2008 ) of Gardner .