The Adirondack Park, located in upstate New York, suffered the worst damage in the nation from acid rain. As the winds rise over the Adirondack Mountains, the moisture they contain cools and condenses into clouds. The moisture, saturated with heavy amounts of nitric and sulfuric acid, precipitates onto the Adirondack Mountains, damaging the vegetation. Precipitation can be more than 200 times more acidic than natural rain, with a pH of 3.3 or less. Now, more than 500 lakes and ponds (out of 2,800) in the Adirondack Park are already too acidic to support the plants and aquatic wildlife that once existed in them.
Case in Mexico.
The damage found in the monuments and statues in the Mexico City.
Chemical Reactions Involved.
Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid Carbonic acid then dissociates to give the hydrogen ion (H+) and the hydrogen carbonate ion (HCO3-).
Nitric oxide (NO), which also contributes to the natural acidity of rainwater, is formed during lightning storms by the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen, two common atmospheric gases. In air, NO is oxidized to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) , which in turn reacts with water to give nitric acid (HNO3).
It accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage. And damage the vegetation, forest, habitats, animals, etc.