The Ramsey Rese
J. Michael, Mike, Ramsey is the Minnie N. Goldby Distinguished forts included counting single molecules in solution, non-linear
Professor of Chemistry, a faculty member of the Department spectroscopy for elemental isotopic analysis, and the use of
of Applied Physical Sciences, and the joint UNC-Chapel Hill & photorefractive elements in laser resonators to augment their
NCSU Department of Biomedical Engineering. He joined Car- performance. In the late 1980s he became interested in micro-
olina Chemistry in 2004 as an internationally known analytical machining fluidic circuits to perform chemical and biochemi-
chemist, most notably for his efforts in microfluidics. Ramsey cal experiments. His first efforts were to implement capillary
is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Fel- electrophoresis, CE, experiments on these microfabricated
low of the Optical Society of America, the American Chemical structures and demonstrated speed advantages of >100x over
Society, and the American Institute for Medical and Biological conventional instruments while maintaining separative perfor-
Engineering, and has garnered a list of awards too numerous mance, thus more information per unit time. Ramsey’s foray
to list here. He has focused much of his career on developing
technological solutions to important chemical and biological
measurement problems and translating his solutions into com-
mercial products that other laboratories can utilize for their re-
search to advance scientific understanding.
Mike started his career at Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
“It is the generation of patent portfoli-
os around our technologies that enable
their translation as products to society
and I view it as a return to the tax pay-
ers who support our research...”
ORNL, as a Eugene P. Wigner postdoctoral fellow developing
laser-based chemical measurement tools and was then steadi- into microfluidics led to what became early seminal patents in
ly promoted through the scientific ranks to reach the highest the field and were the basis for his first company, Caliper Life
level of Corporate Research Fellow. His ORNL group’s early ef- Sciences; acquired by PerkinElmer in 2011. The products based