Graduate Resea
Pictured, from left to right: Candice Crilly - P
anian Group, Quentin Tercenio - Alexanian G
- Dempsey Group, Quinton Bruch - Miller Gro
Group, Aldo Jordan - Dempsey Group, Tessa
We are proud to present our current cohort of NSF Graduate Fellowship awardees. They were selected through a rigor-
ous and highly competitive selection process. Their success reflects the National Science Foundation’s confidence in
their abilities to address important chemistry questions and evolve into the next generation of scientific leaders.
The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of sci-
ence and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. The program recognizes and supports outstand-
ing graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursu-
ing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions.
As the oldest graduate fellowship of its kind, the GRFP has a long history of selecting recipients who achieve high levels
of success in their future academic and professional careers. The reputation of the GRFP follows recipients and often
helps them become life-long leaders that contribute significantly to both scientific innovation and teaching. Past fellows
Faculty Awards
Professors Dorothy Erie, Gary Pielak, and Matthew Redinbo have been awarded Excellence in Basic Science Mentoring Awards