Chemistry Connected Winter - Issue Two | Page 3

View From The Top Richard Chadwick Group Chairman 2014 was certainly a year my team and I can reflect back on with great significance for Airedale Chemical Holdings Group. Overall it was a challenging year however we are now at the very start of what is an extremely exciting 5 year plan for the Group. With both Airedale Chemical Company Limited and Airedale Solutions Limited continuing their respective growth plans throughout 2014 our ambitions remain constant for the year ahead with a group turnover target of over £50m. Within Airedale Chemical, as always, we strive for excellence in everything we do (and have done for 41 years), so against our usual ‘sky high’ standards we would probably admit 2014 was a challenging year driven in large by a disappointing 2nd half. With actual 2014 turnover recorded at £40m this does however still represent a +3.5% growth for the business. This would be a positive year for most UK businesses however in line with our mapped 20% growth expectations our belief is that this still proves we have room for improvement. Our ambition for 2015 is to grow Airedale Chemical turnover to over £45m; something we plan on achieving through the integration of our new sales & marketing team of 16. Going forward the departments remit will be to develop and solidify new business within high growth markets, specifically penetrating previously uncharted territory for the business. Our new Procurement team is now fully established into the business, complete with structured chemical sourcing and cost saving initiatives to ensure the business is more competitive across a greater number of products and industries. This we believe will ultimately provide our customers with even more chemicals, more choice and more opportunities for their businesses. A major initiative for 2015 will be our financial commitment in upwards of £500,000 to the Biocide Products Directive, positioning Airedale Chemical as one of few UK manufacturers of Peracetic Acid a key growth product for the business. Other initiatives that will be employed this year will be the running of an internal transport network between our group sites & external warehouses aimed at improving efficiency of raw material supply between each Airedale Group company. This we believe will reduce the need to use customer designated transport for internal deliveries, ensuring we are more reactive to customer requirements. Further to this we will be operating a full time team of staff at our external warehouse location from the start of this year to service increases to our order pipelines. With Airedale Solutions Limited; after a significant investment period involving the aquisition of a new site, production technology and various staff all aimed at gearing the business towards organic growth, we are now confidently primed to move forward with our projected growth plan. With more blue chip brands and key retail continuing to work with Airedale Solutions we anticipate a promising future for the business within both the private label market and through our own brand, glow™. To Read more on Airedale Solutions see our new INSIDE GROUP feature On behalf of my team and I we look forward to continuing to work with all our customers across our growing business groups in what we believe will be another exciting year for Airedale Chemical Group Holdings. 3