Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | страница 4

AX 2 E 3 Linear XeF 2 , I 3 − , XeCl 2
AX3E0 Trigonal Planer BF 3 , CO 3
Trigonal Pyramidal
AX3E2 T- shaped ClF 3 , BrF 3
Dipole moment : The product of the magnitude of the charge and the distance between the centres of positive and negative charge . It is a vector quantity and is represented by an arrow with its tail at the positive centre and head pointing towards a negative centre . Dipole moment ( μ ) = charge ( Q ) × distance of separation ( r )
SIGMA BOND : A covalent bond formed due to the overlapping of orbitals of the two atoms along the line joining the two nuclei ( orbital axis ) is called sigma ( σ ) bond . For example , the bond formed due to s-s and s-p , p-p overlapping along the orbital axis are sigma bonds .
Pi- BOND : A covalent bond formed by the side wise overlapping of p- or d- orbitals of two atoms is called as pi ( π ) bond . For example , the bond formed due to the sideways overlapping of the two p- orbitals is a pi- bond .
HYDROGEN BOND : The bond between the hydrogen atom of one molecule and a more electro- negative element of same or another molecule is called as hydrogen bond .
HYBRIDIZATION : The process of mixing of the atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals is called hybridization . All hybrid orbitals of a particular kind have equal energy , identical shapes and are symmetrically oriented in shape .
The hybrid orbitals are designed according to the type and the atomic orbitals merging together , e . g .,
Molecule Type Example
AX 2 E 0


BeCl 2 , HgCl 2 , CO 2


AX 2 E 1
AX 2 E 2


NO 2 − , SO 2 , O 3 , CCl 2
H 2 O , OF 2

AX 2 E 3 Linear XeF 2 , I 3 − , XeCl 2

AX3E0 Trigonal Planer BF 3 , CO 3

2− , NO3
− , SO3

Trigonal Pyramidal

NH 3 , PCl 3

AX3E2 T- shaped ClF 3 , BrF 3