fastest growth is also expected in the Asia-Pacific region , during the forecast period , with the increase in paper mills and growing construction activities .
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The market is expected to slow down in Europe , due to the closing down and renovation of various paper mills .
Opportunities and Market Players
The growing demand for nano-calcium carbonate in the plastics and rubber industry and the emergence of new green uses will be major opportunities for the calcium carbonate market in the coming years .
Some of the major companies dominating this market for calcium carbonate production and uses are :
� Mineral Technologies Inc . � Huber Engineered Materials � Omya AG � Solvay
Key Deliverables in the Study
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Market analysis for the global calcium carbonate market , with region-specific assessments and competition analysis on a global and regional scale . Market definition along with the identification of factors instrumental in changing the market scenario and prospective opportunities . Extensively researched competitive landscape section with profiles of major companies along with their market share . Identification and analysis of the macro and micro factors that affect the global calcium carbonate market on both global and regional scale .
No . of Report Pages : 193
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