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Buy here : http :// homework . plus / chem-131-lesson-2-quiz /
1 . If a nickel atom formed an ion , what charge would it have ?
2 . The elements located in groups 3B through 2B are known as
3 . Which of these can be found in the nucleus ?
4 . If iodine were to form an ion , what would its charge be ?
5 . Of the scientists listed below , which one did not contribute to developing the model of the atom ?
6 . What would be the proper way to write the ion formula for acetate ?
7 . When naming Na 3 PO 4 , it cannot be trisodium phosphate . Why ?
8 . We discussed diatomic molecules in this lesson . Which of these would NOT be classified in that category ?
9 . What would be the proper way to write the polyatomic ion formula for perchlorate ?
10 . How many oxygen atoms are in the formula Al 2 ( CO 3 ) 3 ?
11 . Chemistry really is another language sometimes . It abbreviates a lot , and chemical formulas are a way to write a little and still convey a lot of information . For example , consider the chemicals hydrogen , cadmium ( III ) acetate , Lead ( II ) Iodide , and tetranitrogen nonasulfide .
Translate these names into chemical formulas using the appropriate procedure described in the course text and my lecture material . Answer the following :
( 1 ) What is the correct formula of each of these compounds ?