CHEM 131 Lesson 1 Quiz APU

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1 . Who discovered the atomic theory ?
2 . Who discovered the law of conservation of mass ?
3 . A lead ball has a mass of 49.0 grams and a density of 11.3 g / cm​ 3​ . What is the volume of the ball ?
4 . What is the volume in ​mL ​of a cube of water with dimensions 11.0 cm × 11.0 cm × 11.0 cm ?
5 . When the value 98.54 is rounded to two significant figures , the number should be reported as :
6 . Given the sequence of temps below , which one represents the Fahrenheit boiling , room temp , and freezing points of water , in that order ?
7 . How should someone classify grape juice ?
8 . Gallium metal will melt in your hand . Which of the following is a true statement about this process ? It represents a _______.
9 . A solid that does not have a long range repeating order is called ________.
10 . Please select the TRUE statement below
11 . IN YOUR OWN WORDS , who was John Dalton , and why is he so important to chemistry ? What did he " discover " that is so central to our study of chemistry ? Explain why it is important
12 . Human remains are typically cremated at a temperature of about 870.0 degrees C .
( 1 ) What is this temperature in F ?
( 2 ) What is this temperature in K ?