Chelsea Police Department 2013 Annual Report | Page 29

In 2013, CRIME TOTALS WERE DOWN BY Photo: City Hall, Chelsea Statistical Crime Data 2013 Violent Crime and Property Crime % Change Net Change 2 5 150 % +3 Rape 41 21 - 48.78% - 20 355 241 - 32.11% - 114 Robbery There was a Decline in TOTAL CRIMES REported to THE Chelsea Police Department in 2013 when compared to CRIME TOTALS in 2012. 2013 Murder 24.35 % 2012 Aggravated Assaults - Category 256 174 - 32.03% - 82 Burglary 304 212 - 30.26% - 92 Larceny 1030 850 - 17.48% - 180 MV Theft 193 147 - 23.83% - 46 Violent Crimes 654 441 - 32.57% - 213 Property Crimes 1,527 1,209 - 20.83& - 318 Totals: 2,181 1,650 - 24.35% - 531 Statistical Crime Data 2013 Citywide Month Aggravated Robbery Burglary Larceny MV Theft Assault Murder Rape January February March April May June July August September October November December 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 4 4 1 3 0 1 1 3 25 15 21 18 18 17 15 23 31 18 19 21 16 12 12 14 15 16 14 17 13 16 16 13 20 17 19 19 18 17 24 13 20 12 17 16 58 56 57 60 82 76 83 70 71 72 75 90 5 6 8 5 9 12 20 21 11 11 17 22 Totals: 5 21 241 174 212 850 147 Chelsea Police Department 2013 Annual Report 29