Chelsea Police Department 2013 Annual Report | Page 23
Criminal Investigation Division
The Department’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) investigates
criminal activity that occurs in the City of Chelsea or has an effect on
the City of Chelsea and its citizens. On an annual basis the Criminal
Investigation Division investigates close to 500 cases. The Criminal
Investigation Division works closely with investigators from the State
Police, federal agencies and surrounding cities and towns in sharing
resources, personnel and information. CID personnel are also affiliated with several task forces that have been established to address
specific types of crimes, such as narcotics distribution, gang violence,
prostitution, burglaries, bank robberies, car theft, computer or cyber
crime, financial crimes as well as warrant apprehension. Criminal Investigations are assigned to a primary investigator and is assisted by
other detectives as needed.
Captain Keith Houghton
Gang Unit
The Chelsea Police Gang Unit consists of dedicated investigators and a supervisor. The Unit investigates all
gang related incidents and activities. All members attend monthly meetings to include the North Suffolk
Gang Task Force, Metro Gang Task Force, DEA, and the FBI.
We have a dedicated investigator on assignment to the FBI gang taskforce. This partnership allows the
investigator to investigate and monitor gang incidents in and around the Chelsea area, and provide that
information to the taskforce. This taskforce investigates priority offenders that continually cross
jurisdictional boundaries and targets those individuals for federal prosecution.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assaults
The Domestic Violence Unit reported there were 226 incidents related to Dome