1 . What is the difference between a hotel package and a commuter package ?
All athletes competing at The Cheerleading Worlds or The Dance Worlds must purchase either a Worlds hotel package OR commuter package .
Worlds hotel packages include :
• any two- , three- , or four-night hotel stay between April 21-May 3 , 2025 ;
• Walt Disney World ® Theme Park , Park Hopper ® Ticket valid April 17-May 1 , 2025 ;
• admission to the Worlds and ICU competitions ;
• admission to the Worlds Celebration Party April 28 ;
• transportation to all events directly related to Worlds ; and
• all taxes and gratuities . NOTE : Prices DO NOT include airfare nor airport transportation .
Commuter packages include :
• athlete | coach competition registration ;
• Walt Disney World ® Theme Park , Park Hopper ® Ticket valid April 17-May 1 , 2025 ; and
• admission to the Worlds and ICU competitions . NOTE : Spectators do not purchase commuter packages
Frequently Asked Questions
2 . What happens if rooms at the host hotels sell out ?
In the event of a sell out before the deadline at either host hotel , the USASF / IASF will make its best effort to make arrangements with an alternate hotel .
3 . What are the hotel check-in and check-out times ?
Hotels guarantee check-in at 4pm . If rooms are ready in your block , the hotel may allow you to check in early . Checkout at the host hotels is 11am . Please communicate this to your entire group traveling with you .
4 . How many chaperones do we need ?
One club owner / coach or responsible adult ( 21 years of age or older ) for every nine athletes is required .
5 . Can we have five people in a room ?
No . Disney resorts do not allow more than four people to a room . Rollaway beds are not available .
6 . We have an uneven number of athletes . Can we pay the quad rate for three athletes in a room ?
No . The travel package prices have been calculated according to how many people are in each room .
7 . Can family and friends sign up for the Worlds hotel package ?
Many coaches include parents on the hotel package with their teams . However , we encourage family members and friends to register separately . See the Family & Friends section this guide ..
8 . What if we are NOT purchasing a Worlds hotel package ?
Each coach and athlete will need to purchase a commuter package which includes competition registration and a Walt Disney World ® Theme Park , Park Hopper ® Ticket . Spectators will simply need to purchase a Worlds Park Hopper ® ticket or purchase a daily admission ticket or wristband for entry into the competitions .
9 . Do athletes need Park Hopper ® tickets for competition ?
Yes . Each athlete will need a Worlds Park Hopper ® ticket ( from a Worlds hotel package or commuter package ) to enter the competition venue . This will NOT be considered a theme park admission and will not use a theme park day on the Worlds Park Hopper ® ticket . Park Hopper ® tickets purchased for Worlds are NOT valid admission to cheer / dance venues hosted by other companies and vice versa . Additionally , athletes will need government-issued photo IDs .
For more information or to register , visit TheCheerleadingWorlds . net | 901.231.1952 The Cheerleading Worlds ® 2025 | 30