Identification Requirements
Identification Requirements
Athlete Photo ID Requirement
Government-issued photo IDs are required for all Worlds athletes *. Acceptable forms of governmentissued photo identification are :
• driver ’ s license
• state ID
• military ID
• passport
• visa * Photo IDs are not required for Exceptional Athletes .
Prior to entering the warm-up room , a USASF official will verify the identity of each athlete on your official Worlds roster . 1 . Athletes will line up in the same order as on the roster . 2 . Athletes will present government-issued photo identifications . 3 . A USASF official will use the IDs to verify athletes on the official Worlds roster .
A state ID may be obtained through your local DMV office and may take six or more weeks to receive . The minimum age required for a state ID varies by state . Passports typically take six to eight weeks . Please plan accordingly . It is the responsibility of the club and its representatives to allocate ample time to receive acceptable forms of identification so that athletes may enter the warm-up room and compete .
How to Create Coach / Personnel ID Cards ( U . S . Based-Teams ) Coaches and personnel members on Worlds team rosters must present USASF ID cards upon entering warm-up rooms . Cards may be digital or plastic .
Digital ID Card - no cost
• Coach / Owner : Create digital ID through the USASF COACH app . Show a screen capture and QR code at warm-ups .
• Personnel : Owners must create digital IDs for personnel through the club profile :
• Click PERSONNEL tab > REGULAR PERSONNEL > Place check by individual ’ s name > PERSONNEL ID CARD tab .
• Follow prompts to confirm info , upload photo and preview card . DO NOT make payment .
• Return to PERSONNEL tab > DIGITAL ID card .
• Place check by individual ’ s name > click SEND DIGITAL ID card tab .
• Individual will receive an email with digital ID to print or screen capture .
Plastic ID card - $ 15
• Coach / Owner : Purchase plastic ID through the USASF coach membership profile .
• Personnel : Owners must purchase plastic ID for personnel through the club profile . Follow steps 1-3 above and continue through payment prompts .
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